Thursday, 30 June 2011

Poison Pen Letter

Just a quickie (aren't they all!) to tell you to take a look here

Love the art, story and concept. Note how the buckles on the girl/woman/elf's face-mask make it look anthropomorphic. This is going to be frustrating though as there is no update schedule >:-(

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Dr. Whoa : The Wrong Wingman

Yep, our favourite hero is back and he's dating! However his choice of compadre is somewhat flawed.

...and not surprisingy sometimes art imitates life. Miss Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), according to the Mail Online, was found naked and whimpering in a New York hotel corridor, see here.

On another note look here for the University of Florida ZOMBIE ATTACK Disaster Preparedness Simulation Exercise with links to the Boston Police use of Twitter to discuss whether they would tell the public whether a human bite had led to zombie infection.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

LEGO Competition Part 2 - Video

Bournemouth Science Fiction & Fantasy Group LEGO competition. These two entries needed video to demonstrate their virtuosity.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Lego Competition Entries - Static

This year's competition was a deliberate attempt to 'nobble' some of our more talented members. Using a medium as simple a Lego meant their modelling skills would be brought down to the same level as the rest of us mere mortals. The problem with all cunning plans is that they are inevitably doomed to failure.

The brief was "Famous Scene from Science Fiction" in Lego in the size of a shoebox diorama. No special lLegos to be used (Star Wars etc.)

First up was Rob with a scene from "2001 : A Space Oddessey"

Next was Dougal with a surprise entry from "Barbarella"

Next up was Andy with a scene from "The Day After Tomorrow"

Next up is Lee with the very popular "2001 : A Space Oddessey"

Sunday, 15 May 2011


From Lee

Dinosaurs, Mammals, Birds, Giant Three Legged Martian Insects, Man.

Does this novelty ruler hint at the truth behind Quatermass and the Pit ?

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Dr. Whoa

John Rosenberg, cartoon demi-god, of Scenes from a Multiverse has turned his hand to Dr. Who recently as can be seen below

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

LEGO - This year's competition

The club has a long tradition of modelling competitions to the number of one, not two, not five but one, one is the number and the number shall be one; except when we have this year's and that's open now and then the number shall be two; and not one ever again. Which is sad, especially when you are as fond of cardinal numbers as I am.

Anyhoo, you can see our past efforts here


This year's compo, in an attempt to nobble the people with real talent, is famous scenes from science fiction and fantasy crafted from basic LEGO. No use of the special Star Wars or similar sets allowed. No bigger than a shoebox either.

We are also, for the first time, throwing this open to our friends on the web. Same rules as above, submit photos to kev_the_mole (at) by the end of April 2011. One photo should show the submittee with their model and a current newspaper as a timestamp. Winners in the various categories (to be made up later) will get the usual nebulous club prizes.

To inspire us all, a random selection of inspiration below

Doctor Who from

Blakes 7 from

This one's a bit big

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Are Eebs the Ood?

Yep they both have two vowels and one consonant and are both slave races. Check out Eebs at Spacetrawler at

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Lovecraft gets everywhere

Jon Rosenberg is like unto a Webcomic Demi-God. He was the pensman of the now seemingly defunct 'Goats' webcomic. The Goats multiverse is inhabited by satanic chickens, cyborg goldfish assassins and is well worth losing a large part of your life to at

However Jon has branched out into his nearly daily 'Scenes from a Multiverse' and this little gem turned up

The short series continues with


Monday, 14 March 2011

Webcomics, Moutains of Madness & Cult of the Claw

It's a long time since I've posted since I'm a "lazy blogger" and I'm finishing up a 300 page technical translation from German to English. If you ever want anything to take over your life I can recommend something similar. NOT!

Two brilliant webcomics, that recently appeared on my horizon are Bird Boy and Watcher of Yaathagggu.

Bird Boy has the most perfect drawing style/art that I have the pleasure to come across in a long time. Part Mayan, part Amerindian, part the artist's own style. I love it, so take a look here Bird Boy

We 'heart' Lovecraft here and a new (to me anyway) Lovecraftian webcomic is a thing of joy. Another individual drawing style and perhaps a little too much colour for this topic but try it yourself at Watcher.

While we 'heart' Lovecraft, we don't take well to people and dumb studio execs messing with the Master's works. The rumour is that Del Toro’s "At the Mountains of Madness" is binned again. The studio wanted a PG rating and Del Toro rightly insisted on an 18. Hopefully it won't die now as it's got some traction and the same dumb studio execs realise that pretty boy Tom (Cruise)is no good for the part and it should be given to Ron. We like Ron Perlman here too!

You may have seen the Cult of the Claw post on the Monsters thread. At the moment the jury is out on 'real or hoax' but if there is a Purbeck Historic Film Society then they'll be flushed out by your intrepid blogger as soon as the poxy translation is finished.