Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Lego Competition Entries - Static

This year's competition was a deliberate attempt to 'nobble' some of our more talented members. Using a medium as simple a Lego meant their modelling skills would be brought down to the same level as the rest of us mere mortals. The problem with all cunning plans is that they are inevitably doomed to failure.

The brief was "Famous Scene from Science Fiction" in Lego in the size of a shoebox diorama. No special lLegos to be used (Star Wars etc.)

First up was Rob with a scene from "2001 : A Space Oddessey"

Next was Dougal with a surprise entry from "Barbarella"

Next up was Andy with a scene from "The Day After Tomorrow"

Next up is Lee with the very popular "2001 : A Space Oddessey"

Sunday, 15 May 2011


From Lee

Dinosaurs, Mammals, Birds, Giant Three Legged Martian Insects, Man.

Does this novelty ruler hint at the truth behind Quatermass and the Pit ?