Having discussed the evolution of sci-fi book covers since the '60's and discovering that the average fee for a cover picture from that time could have been as low as £5 it was not surprising to see an example picture consisting of a few ping pong balls and some wire. It was decided to give the membership a chance to create something from this oeuvre. The rules of the competition were sufficiently slipshod to allow a wide range of submissions.
Quatermass Town Planning II
1st in the category 'Armageddon out of here'
Spot 'Clippy' planting the Microsoft flag on the little white asteroid.
1st in the category 'Cat-o-Vision' or 'No cats were harmed in the making of these goggles but I can't rule it out if that Ginger Tom from next door keeps crapping in my borders'
The inventor
...now with the optional long range wireless nose adapter
Surely the 1st. photo of 'Granny's boa?' should have been titled 'Triple Tribble Trouble!'