There I was looking forward to sipping Pan-Galactic Gargleblasters on the beachworld of Zooton 3 when a miscalibration landed us back in the Napoleonic War era where we met this bloke. You'd never believe he had a Dalek's** head in his knapsack! Them buggers get everywhere.
(Note to the confused: If you understand this then you're already a member of the club. If you are a member of the club, why haven't you bought me a beer lately? If you aren't a member of the club then buying me a beer is the first step)
** It seems that the 'new' Doctor is back at Easter and the Dalek's are involved. This is after them being "irrevocably" destroyed three times to the club's knowledge. The show may be acquiring the traits of a one-trick pony again.
Where's Leela when you really need her? (Andy has had to go for a lie down)
On the subject of the homicidal wheelie-bins I'd like to suggest to Channel 4 that they do not drop 'Big Brother' but instead rename it 'Dalek Death Match'. Get some paranoid killing machines in a large house/building/hangar and then import the usual Z-list celebs & bimbo/muscle wannabees and the winner is the last sentient standing!
Wait a minute though that excludes all participants of 'not really' reality shows.
Archivist BSFFG out
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