Friday, 27 August 2010

Monsters Coming soon

The hype's there and the shaky hand-held camera shots. It is incredible, however, when you take into account this whole movie was filmed by two (count them!) people and the CGI was done on a home computer.

Let's hope it's good after a pretty sucky year!


  1. Saw 'Monsters' the other day. More a 'road/rom.' but none the less for that.
    With personable & believable leads.
    Excellent use of landscape, unaware extras & blending of 'verite'filming [in some extraordiney sites],unscripted dialogue & CGI effects.
    On a separate matter;
    I have heard that a forgotten film from the fifties[?] has been unearthed by The Purbeck Historic Film Society[?] 'Cult of the Claw'? This is fantastic news as the stars of the film were apparently huge in the thirties though now totally forgotten. Possibly it was withdrawn, for political reasons at the time. My father remembers a scandal in the thirties re. one of the stars, Willard Dant, Dene? something to do with pre-war associations with the Blackshirts? Any info. would be very welcome. There appears to be nothing on IMDB or through the BFI, but maybe things were surpressed on advent of war. Is any footage available on youtube? This may stir memories, though I doubt anyone under 70 would have a clue.

  2. Would this be some of the badly damaged reelstock found under the old projection room at the REX Cinema ( at Wareham, Dorset? I had heard that in the move to digital that some 'artefacts' had been uncovered!

    If you get any more info please keep us informed also do you know how to contact the PHFS for verification?


  3. How come I've never heard of this film before?
    Can you tell me anything about the film and it's stars?

    I would be really interested in attending a showing if there are plans to do so.
