Wednesday 30 March 2011

LEGO - This year's competition

The club has a long tradition of modelling competitions to the number of one, not two, not five but one, one is the number and the number shall be one; except when we have this year's and that's open now and then the number shall be two; and not one ever again. Which is sad, especially when you are as fond of cardinal numbers as I am.

Anyhoo, you can see our past efforts here


This year's compo, in an attempt to nobble the people with real talent, is famous scenes from science fiction and fantasy crafted from basic LEGO. No use of the special Star Wars or similar sets allowed. No bigger than a shoebox either.

We are also, for the first time, throwing this open to our friends on the web. Same rules as above, submit photos to kev_the_mole (at) by the end of April 2011. One photo should show the submittee with their model and a current newspaper as a timestamp. Winners in the various categories (to be made up later) will get the usual nebulous club prizes.

To inspire us all, a random selection of inspiration below

Doctor Who from

Blakes 7 from

This one's a bit big

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