Monday 14 March 2011

Webcomics, Moutains of Madness & Cult of the Claw

It's a long time since I've posted since I'm a "lazy blogger" and I'm finishing up a 300 page technical translation from German to English. If you ever want anything to take over your life I can recommend something similar. NOT!

Two brilliant webcomics, that recently appeared on my horizon are Bird Boy and Watcher of Yaathagggu.

Bird Boy has the most perfect drawing style/art that I have the pleasure to come across in a long time. Part Mayan, part Amerindian, part the artist's own style. I love it, so take a look here Bird Boy

We 'heart' Lovecraft here and a new (to me anyway) Lovecraftian webcomic is a thing of joy. Another individual drawing style and perhaps a little too much colour for this topic but try it yourself at Watcher.

While we 'heart' Lovecraft, we don't take well to people and dumb studio execs messing with the Master's works. The rumour is that Del Toro’s "At the Mountains of Madness" is binned again. The studio wanted a PG rating and Del Toro rightly insisted on an 18. Hopefully it won't die now as it's got some traction and the same dumb studio execs realise that pretty boy Tom (Cruise)is no good for the part and it should be given to Ron. We like Ron Perlman here too!

You may have seen the Cult of the Claw post on the Monsters thread. At the moment the jury is out on 'real or hoax' but if there is a Purbeck Historic Film Society then they'll be flushed out by your intrepid blogger as soon as the poxy translation is finished.

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